Friday, December 26, 2008

The Abominable Blobman

Hi, Folks. I have decided to pay for every comment I get on my blob. I am discovering what the appeal is on writing blogs. It's the comments. They are more addicting and more compulsion-ating than... than........even nail biting. I am a driven man. So I'm beginning - starting today - to pay $1,000,000.00 for each comment. Jodi and Brian will be skeptical. I offered to pay them a million for every tough catch they made in back yard softball-tossin'. They caught manymanymany. The money is still pending. Be patient, ya little coots.

Anyhoo, the Abdominable blobman is so happy to find a venue to keep up better with everyone. Kookins, Twisty, the four siblin's and all others are registered participants. Ken might receive $2,000,000 for his first comment just to get him jump-started. I didn't even know of the comments for the first 3 or 4 weeks of my blob. Surprise!

Is it too late (Dec. 26) for a Christmas story? Don't get Gramps going. I'm compulsive about Christmas stories. A strong magnetic force is pulling, pulling me into the distant past. Help! I'm falling. Suddenly I am six years old. Grandma Burton came to see us for Christmas. She was so fun. A real character. But a bit outspoken. I was afrrrraid of her when she in one of her "snappy moods." She stayed in my bedroom. I awoke very early, probably at about 5:am. I was so silent as I crept to the bedroom door. But all was lost . "what are you doing," she demanded. "I just want to open some of my presents," I said in a strange, whining voice. "Get back in bed right now." "But, but ... I always get up this early..." My voice trailed off. "You get back in bed this instant," she commanded. "Today is Christmas Eve." She was right.

Speaking of falling, Yer ma (and grandma) fell this morning. Very soft landing. No breaks or bruises. Just some stiffness. I would offer to do her falling for her, but I'm afraid she would be about as convinced as you others are on my offer for cash prizes. We have had a fabulous Christmas. Remember Big Boy? "You! Big Boy! You go now." The Abdominable goes now.


Brian said...

Mom falls? That's it, i'm not drafting her on my fantasy basketball team. Hope she's not more sore tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

Redhoodoos said...

Sorry mom fell!!! Tell her I hope she's okay and starts feelin better.

Comments are the BEST - and the only reason I've blogged for so long!


"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Falling....(Flashback to September 8th 2006, possibly my worst nightmare) hopefully it was not that bad of course. I have slow motion visions haunting my dreams from time to time of that frightful day. Oh what a story to tell. Glad that it was not a severe fall, glad that all is well!